Operational Areas
The working area of the Prayas
Kendra Harsoli is spread in Jaipur District covering the region of Dudu
Panchayat Samiti. Villages selected in Dudu are situated in the north and
southern region on the Jaipur - Ajmer NH 8. The total land area of Dudu
Panchayat Samiti is 18552391 Ha.
Total population is 210655 our of which Males are 11037 and 100618. The
population of 0 - 6 age groups is 44047 out of which boys are 22699 and girls
21378 which consist of 20.90% of the total population. The population percentage
of Schedule Cast is 19.67% and Schedule Tribes is 3.19% of the total population.
The literary rate in the region is 25.83% out of which female literacy is around
4.73% only. The working population is around 32.71% and rest 46.39% of the
population remains in the search of working opportunities (based on 1991
census). |
The land is fast becoming wasteland with low
agricultural productivity and increasing salinity in the region. The region
is single cropping area, in Kharif season mainly crops such as Bajra, Jwar,
Mung, Maize and Moth are grown. The economic condition in the region is very
bad. Migration rate is very high where they face more exploitation. Their
children's future is very dark. The condition of the women is also deteriorating. There is huge increase in women getting into sexual business and their children's been devoid of education also get into the business. |